Now, if you tell them you have herpes in a light-hearted manner and as if it hardly phases you, then they will see it in such a way.

Try to avoid the doom and gloom approach and be positive......and I'm not referring to your test results.

Since most people get coldsores on their mouth, then why not use that fact to your advantage.
- I usually start by saying I bumped into an old friend and they had a coldsore on their mouth.
- Ask them if they ever get coldsores and if they say yes then you're halfway there.
- Whether they say yes or no, ask if they know what the real name is for it and tell them it's herpes if they didn't already know.
- If they do get coldsores but didn't know that coldsores are herpes then they may be a little shocked.....but that's ok as that makes your job that much easier.
- Proceed to tell them that you too get coldsores but not on the mouth......just a little bit more south. If that doesn't click with them then tell them exactly where but be light-hearted; not serious.
- If you have access to the internet then have some sites saved in your favorites for them to check out so they can educate themself and not be scared off by looking at ignorant sites that do not understand that it's only a coldsore.
- If you don't have access to the internet then and there, some pamphlets from your clinic or local herpes association will suffice.
- Whether you do or don't have the internet or pamphlets at hand then be ready for their questions with educated and informative answers.
- And remember to stay calm and keep smiling.
The alternative is to use a herpes dating site such as H-YPE!, or why not try both?