We are constantly striving to make the H-YPE experience truly wonderful and we are never happy to be second best. So to continue being the best herpes and HPV social and community dating website we've made some improvements.
For those that have used our site before, you're probably wondering if it ain't broke don't fix it.......but we couldn't help ourselves. As a result, H-YPE's latest upgrade brings with it many new features........too many to discuss here.
Come check out what we have done and see for yourself why we are the number 1 herpes and HPV social site in the UK.
It's free to register and become a standard member. With that membership you can access quite a few features including the forum and events.
If you then feel like upgrading you can do so for as little as £3.95 a month. It works out even cheaper if you pay for longer term membership.
Anyway, come say hello and see what a wonderful and friendly community we have on H-YPE.
Go on.....Take the Leap and join the H-YPE! You'll be so glad you did.