Monday, 21 September 2009

Help the HVA solve their funding crisis at no extra cost to yourself

Why is their a crisis?

The Department of Health has said "No more money after March 2009". Now they have a £25,000 hole in their yearly budget. The 'herpes stigma' makes it hard for them to fundraise.

Why is their a crisis?

The Department of Health has said "No more money after March 2009". Now they have a £25,000 hole in their yearly budget. The 'herpes stigma' makes it hard for them to fundraise.

What can you do to help?

Do your shopping on-line through 'EasyFundraising' portal: 100s of shops are there. Choose Shingles Support Society (one of their names) as 'your charity'.

  • Go to the following URL
  • Register your details on that site - it's free
  • Choose Shingles Support Society as 'your charity'
  • Click on a company - and shop
  • Part of what you spend will go to the HVA - easy

You can choose from over 600 high street names such as AA, Amazon, Asda, Boots, Comet, Dell, Marks & Spencer, Next, Toys"R"Us, Whittards, Yahoo and Yves Rocher.....just to name a few.

You don't have to use the word "herpes" when you register. It doesn't cost you a penny - it's for the benefit of the HVA. Shop through easyfundraising every time!