Monday, 21 September 2009

To be or not to Herpe - sensitive login

No it's not H-YPE's version of a Shakespearean herpetic Hamlet but a more discerning way of logging in without the dreaded H words jumping out all over the page. This new login will prevent those unwanted eyes lurking in the shadows from discovering yo

No it's not H-YPE's version of a Shakespearean herpetic Hamlet but a more discerning way of logging in without the dreaded H words jumping out all over the page. This new login will prevent those unwanted eyes lurking in the shadows from discovering your secret.

In order for search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN to find us more easily, we need to have certain keywords like herpes dating community or genital warts appear on our site. This is to attract more people for you to meet and to help those that need our support but to do that they must be able to find us.

Now that you have found us, some of you may feel paranoid about having herpes or HPV references in your computer. Hence the more minimal usage of such words throughout the rest of this site.

To help get you there we have the regular login or the new sensitive login. The sensitive login is makes no reference to anything "H" so if you are are all nervous about using a herpes or HPV dating site then we suggest you bookmark it when you are there.